
How to Conditionally Include a Nuget Package

September 21, 2022  -   4 mins read time -   648 words -  garrardkitchen

azure, functionsapp, selenium, chromedriver, docker, nuget, linux, runtime identifier

The context I have implemented a solution that as it’s primary objective iterates through a sequence of HTTP Requests and page interactions. With sequencing through these steps regularly it gives the support team the maximum amount of time to react to an outage. This outage can be isolated to this particular service, or can originate from any of it’s downstream dependencies. To help with the automation of these steps, I’m using Selenium and in particular, it’s headless browser capability in conjunction with ChromeDriver. ...

Adding more Github Self-Hosted Runners

January 18, 2022  -   2 mins read time -   310 words -  garrardkitchen

github self-hosted runner, linux, issue

Adding more GitHub Self-Hosted Runners To help build out our numbers of GitHub Self-Hosted Runner, we took a shortcut and had cloned an existing Linux VM. Unfortunately, the by-product of doing this resulted in (a) the clonee (source) Linux VM had their Self-Hosted hijacked by the new VM and (b) we had a Runner registered in GitHub that didn’t actually have a running runner - Offline 🤪. Madness! Ok, so what to do? ...

Github Actions Workflow Env Vars

January 8, 2022  -   4 mins read time -   693 words -  garrardkitchen

github actions, linux, windows, syntax, self-hosted runner, environment variables, workflow, cicd

In my current role as Head of Cloud Platform, I am leading the technical effort of migrating our entire on-premise real-estate to Azure. Part of this mission, is to upgrade the runtimes of our applications, regardless of their current placement; IIS Web apps, Windows Services and Docker Swarm containers. I say “part of this mission” as another aspect of this migration is to create a new foundation for our platform - AKS. ...


January 8, 2022  -   5 mins read time -   992 words -  garrardkitchen

.net framework, .net core, .NET 6.0, .NET 3.1, end-fo-life support, linux, windows, syntax, self-hosted runner, cicd, microsoft fasttrak, code quality, image scanning, licensing, cve, nuget, npm

In my current role as Head of Cloud Platform, I am leading the technical effort of migrating our entire on-premise real-estate to Azure. Part of this mission, is to upgrade the runtimes of our applications, regardless of their current placement; IIS Web apps, Windows Services and Docker Swarm containers. I say “part of this mission” as another aspect of this migration is to create a new foundation for our platform - AKS. ...

Permission Denied While Trying to Connect to the Docker Daemon Socket

January 7, 2022  -   3 mins read time -   497 words -  garrardkitchen

docker, linux, github actions, GHA, self-hosted runner, dotnet, Azure Container Registry, acr, containers, pods

Out of the blue today, my first day back after Christmas break, I got this when running a GH Actions Workflow on one of our Self-Hosted Linux Runners 😱: Got permission denied while trying to connect to the Docker daemon socket at unix:///var/run/docker.sock: Get “http://%2Fvar%2Frun%2Fdocker.sock/v1.24/containers/json": dial unix /var/run/docker.sock: connect: permission denied We have several GitHub Self-Hosted Runners running on Linux and Windows O/S that produce, amongst other artefacts, Linux and Windows images. ...