

January 11, 2022  -   4 mins read time -   651 words -  garrardkitchen

github actions, npm, nodejs, e401, cert_not_yet_valid, docker, acr, npmrc, GH Secrets

Today a PR Merge resulted in a GHA failure. Sadly, this is not the only CICD pipeline to fail this year! This particular pipeline builds a NodeJS Image, pushes the image to ACR and deploys the service to a production Docker Swarm (on merge to main). This was the error: [3/7] RUN npm install: #7 1.469 npm ERR! code E401 #7 1.470 npm ERR! Unable to authenticate, need: Bearer authorization_uri=**-09-49-86**-b******31f407, Basic realm=“https://pkgsprodsu3weu. ...


January 8, 2022  -   5 mins read time -   992 words -  garrardkitchen

.net framework, .net core, .NET 6.0, .NET 3.1, end-fo-life support, linux, windows, syntax, self-hosted runner, cicd, microsoft fasttrak, code quality, image scanning, licensing, cve, nuget, npm

In my current role as Head of Cloud Platform, I am leading the technical effort of migrating our entire on-premise real-estate to Azure. Part of this mission, is to upgrade the runtimes of our applications, regardless of their current placement; IIS Web apps, Windows Services and Docker Swarm containers. I say “part of this mission” as another aspect of this migration is to create a new foundation for our platform - AKS. ...