
Shortcode - An image with a caption

February 26, 2024  -   2 mins read time -   263 words -  garrardkitchen

shortcode, caption, html, hugo, image

I had an article I wanted to post but knew with the number of images I planned on including, it will look unsightly. The first idea I had to make it less so, was to indent the image to break up the page a little. The next idea I had was to include a caption under each image. Knowing that HTML has an element called figure, I decided to use this. ...

.NET Aspire and Redis

February 25, 2024  -   7 mins read time -   1286 words -  garrardkitchen

.net aspire, azd, blazor, csharp, devex, dependency injection, nuget, redis

First look into .NET Aspire TL;DR: See here for why AZD is not yet supported. I decided to give .NET Aspire a try. I’m yet to watch an online tutorial but I did watch its announcement a few months ago. At the time I did think YAGNI. For me, it didn’t make much sense. Either that, or it just wasn’t being explained well enough. Enthusiasm alone isn’t enough to promote a new tool. ...

The 3rd Wave of Cloud Computing

February 5, 2024  -   10 mins read time -   2051 words -  garrardkitchen

wasm, wasi, compute, docker, component model, sustainability, sustainability transformation

That’s quite an opening statement, isn’t it? As a reminder, the 1st and 2nd waves were Virtual Machines and Containers, respectively. Warning, profound statement inbound… The Docker cofounder, Solomon Hykes, said this in 2019 “If WASM+WASI existed in 2008, we wouldn’t have needed to create Docker. That’s how important it is. WebAssembly on the server is the future of computing.” - Quote I think we need to let this sink in for a few moments. ...

Compare Resources From Terraform Plan

February 4, 2024  -   1 mins read time -   158 words -  garrardkitchen

terraform, powershell, azure

Here’s a link to a repo I created today, that will be used to host examples of all challenges I encounter that relate to Terraform. In this particular sample, I need to list out all those resources that will be created using Terraform where we do not have a state file. The product of this will be added to sheets, by Resource Group, in an Excel spreadsheet. Each sheet is an Azure Resource Group. ...

Error NETSDK1045

September 28, 2022  -   1 mins read time -   209 words -  garrardkitchen

error, visual studio, vs, vs2019, .net, sdk

Error NETSDK1045 The current .NET SDK does not support targeting .NET 6.0 A colleague had Visual Studio shout this (see 👇) at him when he loaded up a FunctionsApp project. He received this error twice as the second project was the unit tests for the FunctionsApp. Error NETSDK1045 The current .NET SDK does not support targeting .NET 6.0. Either target .NET 5.0 or lower, or use a version of the . ...

How to Write Clipboard to File

September 26, 2022  -   1 mins read time -   142 words -  garrardkitchen

clipboard, powershell, Microsoft.PowerShell.Management

Have you ever wondered how to persist your clipboard to disk? Wonder no more… To get started, copy a random sentence into your clipboard like so: Set-Clipboard -Value "This is being copied into clipboard" Let’s confirm the contents of the clipboard, like so: Get-Clipboard output: This is being copied into clipboard We’ll now persist the same cliboard to a file, like so: Get-Clipboard | Out-File -FilePath clipboard.txt To confirm the contents of this file, we type: ...

How to Conditionally Include a Nuget Package

September 21, 2022  -   4 mins read time -   648 words -  garrardkitchen

azure, functionsapp, selenium, chromedriver, docker, nuget, linux, runtime identifier

The context I have implemented a solution that as it’s primary objective iterates through a sequence of HTTP Requests and page interactions. With sequencing through these steps regularly it gives the support team the maximum amount of time to react to an outage. This outage can be isolated to this particular service, or can originate from any of it’s downstream dependencies. To help with the automation of these steps, I’m using Selenium and in particular, it’s headless browser capability in conjunction with ChromeDriver. ...

.NET Stack, Heap and Boxing

February 4, 2022  -   5 mins read time -   946 words -  garrardkitchen

csharp, .net, stack, heap, allocations, gc, boxing

This week I have been investigating how to reduce memory allocation in a few HTTP APIs. I won’t go into any explicit work-related examples here but I will touch on facets relating to this effort. Let’s start off by looking at Reference Types and Value types and how they get allocated into the Heap. I will also touch on concepts such as boxing and GC pressure. Let me start off with some facts: ...

The Grass Is Rarely Greener

January 30, 2022  -   7 mins read time -   1375 words -  garrardkitchen

azure, aws, empty promises, building relationship, willing, attrition, managed service

I recently had a conversation that stirred up some surpressed memories. The conversation was related to moving to a different cloud vendor. That journey didn’t work out so well for me and the company I was working for at the time. Sadly, that company stopped trading and I don’t think it’s that much of a leap to link that journey to the demise of that company. Hopefully, now the title of this post is starting to make more sense? ...

Nodejs Install E401

January 22, 2022  -   2 mins read time -   322 words -  garrardkitchen

nodejs, e401, azure functions, npm feed, upstream feed, typescript

Today I created a simple nodeJS Azure Functions Applicaiton to start building out a PoC and when I tried to install it’s dependencies like so: npm install I got this little cherub back instead: npm ERR! code E401 npm ERR! Incorrect or missing password. npm ERR! If you were trying to login, change your password, create an npm ERR! authentication token or enable two-factor authentication then npm ERR! that means you likely typed your password in incorrectly. ...