January 11, 2022  -   4 mins read time -   651 words -  garrardkitchen

github actions, npm, nodejs, e401, cert_not_yet_valid, docker, acr, npmrc, GH Secrets

Today a PR Merge resulted in a GHA failure. Sadly, this is not the only CICD pipeline to fail this year! This particular pipeline builds a NodeJS Image, pushes the image to ACR and deploys the service to a production Docker Swarm (on merge to main).

This was the error:

[3/7] RUN npm install:

#7 1.469 npm ERR! code E401

#7 1.470 npm ERR! Unable to authenticate, need: Bearer authorization_uri=**-09-49-86**-b******31f407, Basic realm=“", TFS-Federated

#7 1.475

#7 1.475 npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:

#7 1.475 npm ERR! /root/.npm/_logs/2021-12-27T09_38_24_060Z-debug.log

Mmmm, E401? 🤔

I’ve not seen this error before but as it was auth related, assumed the PAT token had expired 1. Google…

I did not have the actual .npmrc file that was in a GH Secret so I used my own local .npmrc file to confirm I can pull from our organisation’s npm feed.

cd <project-root>
rm node-modules
npm cache clean --force
npm install

It worked. So, I had my first fallback option - regenerate PAT, register centrally for a reminder of when the PAT is to expire and update GH secret. However, I was not yet done. I had not yet reproduced verbatim the pipeline, egro a docker build.

So, I ran this:

docker build -t <image:tag> .

Oh no! The error has returned!

This is the Dockerfile:

FROM node:14.4.0
COPY . .
RUN npm install
RUN echo 'module.exports = ' | cat - node_modules/@<redacted>/<redacted>/dist/libs/<redacted>-lib/index.js > temp && mv temp helpers/index.js
RUN cd helpers && ls -la
RUN head -10 helpers/index.js
CMD ["npm", "run", "<redacted>"]

Apart from it not being the LTS, there was nothing obviously wrong with it plus it had been building ok leading up to this.

This a the credentials part of the .npmrc:


According to this Microsoft documentation post âž¡ npm scopes, the token structure was incomplete. I corrected the structure:


I re-ran the docker build -t <image:tag> . This time I got a different error but the original E401 error had gone away!

The new error:

#7 43.61 npm ERR! code CERT_NOT_YET_VALID

#7 43.61 npm ERR! errno CERT_NOT_YET_VALID

#7 43.61 npm ERR! request to************.blob?sv=2019-07-07&sr=b&si=1&sig=LUCuO42mrmOAx5Nzds9RWS0v2qL%2FwbB86c%3D&spr=https&se=2022-01-12T11%3A42%3A24Z&rscl=x-e2eid-59793e65--a727df6e-***********-session-59793e65-*******-a727df6e-8c628cc8&rscd=attachment%3B%20filename%3D%22string-width-4.2.3.tgz%22 failed, reason: certificate is not yet valid

Mmmm, CERT_NOT_YET_VALID. I’d not seen this error before. Google…

After a short period of online research 👀 I found a suggestion about being explicit in setting the default npm registry. This meant I had to insert RUN npm config set registry before the RUN npm install command. The resulting Dockerfile then looked like this:

FROM node:14.4.0
COPY . .
RUN npm config set registry
RUN npm install 
RUN echo 'module.exports = ' | cat - node_modules/@<redacted>/<redacted>/dist/libs/<redacted>-lib/index.js > temp && mv temp helpers/index.js
RUN cd helpers && ls -la
RUN head -10 helpers/index.js
CMD ["npm", "run", "prod"]

I re-ran the docker build -t <image:tag> . and success! 🥳

I updated the appropriate GH Secret with the modified .npmrc file and asked the author of the PR that had reported this issue originally to make the 1 line change to the Dockerfile. He made the change, prompted for another PR review and merged to main on approval. The GHA ran successfully! The usual monitoring post deploy and feature/fix was confirmed and I set about updating internal documentation providing instructions on what to do to remediate for others and notifying all via slack that of this.


1 - secrets that expire need to be registered centrally on a system that can notify you in advance, giving you ample time to remediate. For our Azure AAD SP (Service Principals) client secrets, we run an Automation Runbook each day that traverses the Azure Resource Graph and alerts me via email of those SP that will be expiring within 30 days.