How to Write Clipboard to File

How to Write Clipboard to File

September 26, 2022  -   1 mins read time -   142 words -  garrardkitchen

clipboard, powershell, Microsoft.PowerShell.Management

Have you ever wondered how to persist your clipboard to disk? Wonder no more…

To get started, copy a random sentence into your clipboard like so:

Set-Clipboard -Value "This is being copied into clipboard"

Let’s confirm the contents of the clipboard, like so:



This is being copied into clipboard

We’ll now persist the same cliboard to a file, like so:

Get-Clipboard | Out-File -FilePath clipboard.txt

To confirm the contents of this file, we type:

Get-Content .\clipboard.txt


This is being copied into clipboard

Let’s append something else into the clipboard like so:

Set-Clipboard  "appended!" -Append

And finally, we confirm that this text has indeed been copied into the clipboard like so:



This is being copied into clipboard

There you have it, a short post on how to obtain and set the clipboard using Powershell commands.

Module: Microsoft.PowerShell.Management